[[operation_instructions|Go Back]] ====== Configure Gugusse Roller For Your FTP server ====== I designed the Gugusse Roller software to send the captured pictures directly to a ftp server of your choice. a FTP server could easily be configured on your main workstation or on any type of file server. I personnally use a Netgear ReadyNAS file server and it offers the FTP service. There are literally thousands of ways to install a FTP server at home and, although I never tried it, apparently Windows 10 offers it natively as described [[https://www.windowscentral.com/how-set-ftp-server-windows-10|here]] Once you have configured your ftp server you will need to figure out its ipaddress (or hostname), the credentials (user and password) and the filepath that the Gugusse Roller should use. Fill in the correct information in the file GugusseRoller/ftpserver.conf execute the following command: nano ~/GugusseRoller/ftpserver.conf and you will need to replace the information in there by your own